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Wider Congregation (Churches of Christ)

Who are we?  I would firstly like to start with who we are not. We are not part of the International Churches of Christ which was founded in 1979 by Kip McKeen.

The churches of Christ has its roots in the reformation movement Thomas Campbell wrote that the ‘Church of Christ on earth is essentially, intentionally and constitutionally one’.

The movement itself  was a genuine drive towards unity within what appeared to be a sometimes hostile, often times fragmented and competing church. Ultimately we became a separate movement.

We remain as autonomous congregations making decisions on the format of our worship services to the content of the Sunday morning meetings.

The church and unity is never an end in and of itself.  The church of Christ recognises that only if the church was one would the world be won. Jesus said, “May they be one so that the world may know that you sent me and have loved them just as you have loved Me.” John.17:23; The church of Christ is concerned with ensuring that everyone can live in peace and its prayer is for justice and peace to prevail at all times.

Churches of Christ celebrate communion every Sunday and encourages studying of the Bible through meetings at either homes or within its church building. Lay people conduct the Sunday morning and in some churches evening services. They are also encouraged to lead those Bible discussion groups.

While there are similarities within the churches of Christ because of its autonomy practices vary with some widely different while others not so.

Why not check out our what we believe page.